Tony Robbins

So many people live in their head. They go to therapy, and they go in circles and nothing changes, because it just becomes a circular conversation.

And so what do you got to get yourself to act?

Well, to get yourself to act, you have to get yourself in a state where you’ll do it.

So you can take anything and make it represented in your mind as evil or good, you know, as difficult or easy. And the way we represent things, it’s the way we feel.

Two people can have the same event, but they don’t have the same experience. That’s how they represent it in their mind.

You don’t experience life; you experience life you focus on. If I’m focused on what’s wrong, my life is wrong and focus on what I love, my life is love.

It really comes down to Yes, the way you represent the world is the way you experience the world.

I’m trying to feel what’s life. Well, it’s a test. Well, then, what’s life like? If it’s a test of it’s like a test then it’s hard and I got to study and I could fail.

Or someone say, then life’s easy, because I’m good at test right, depends on the person. You know, if it’s a battle, then those people always are looking for someone to fight where they expect there’s going to be a fight. It’s always a struggle, and they find a way to make it a struggle, because that’s what their body does.

And then you know if it’s life a party, is it a dance? Is it sacred? Is it a gift?

How we represent life, it’ll change completely what you’re feeling, what you’re doing.

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