"Choose what you prefer. Always."
Potential | Possibilities | Perspective
Humanity fragments to be questioned by focusing on a situation to explore.
Then, be guided to a new perspective by picking one post.

Lately I wished to find some stability. Because it still means security and peace of mind.
At least, it used to.
I’m finding out that stability comes with the hidden face of not having to live my life.
By pursuing stability, I cheat myself by living a life without intensity and without passion.
I navigate through weeks, months, even years without getting involved, and without accepting to access and share the absolute best of myself.
What if I choose to give up the grey for all the colors of the rainbow?

I keep repeating this same role I’ve been playing, over and over again. This is the role I gave myself because I thought It was what I needed.
Well, says who, or what? My mind? Society? Family? Friends?
Guess what? DONE.
I’m overdone repeating those same motions. Not because there’s no good in them, but because they keep taking me right where I don’t want to be: prisoner of other people’s expectations.
Freedom won’t reinvent me unless I dare to reengineer my dreams.
What if I get to feel in my whole being these desires long enough to make them happen?

I wonder what is easier, what is harder:
getting up in the morning or going to sleep at night;
opening myself to others or keeping all inside;
dealing with sadness or facing happiness;
fighting to feel life or keeping on dying;
crying when I am scared or laughing when I feel joy;
talking when I need to share or just shutting down again.
Honestly, frankly, I simply don’t know.
What if I accept this opportunity
to feel, then heal?

I don’t know how I feel right now. I’m simply numbed.
I can feel these agitated currents in my deepest waters, but the surface stays tragically still.
This is how I feel. Alone.
Actually, this is who I am. Alone.
In a crowd, alone. In my own skin, alone. And as much as I hate this, I don’t want anyone around.
What if being alone is just one step away from being one?
From being whole?

Lately, I avoided expressing how I feel.
Well, if I spread some deeper honesty on this observation, I’ve been doing this for ages actually.
I can see that when I do so, I set boundaries between other people and myself.
The same thing happens when I choose what I want. More boundaries.
And I’m scared of that. But I also know for a fact that if I don’t set them myself, they will set themselves, without me.
What if I acknowledge my uniqueness and commit myself to explore and express it?

I used to thing and feel I HAD to fight darkness. I did everything in my power to fight it like hell.
What I am now experiencing is pure magic. The fight is over.
I don’t have to fight anymore.
As I decide to let go of those shadows and grey zones inside of me, I feel a powerful light outshining them all. Busting with life again.
The strongest shadows just leave my sight. Afraid of change, eager to influence someone else’s circumstances.
What if I upgrade my sense of normalcy?

The energy I feel around and inside of me is so strong…
This is sometimes uplifting, and some other times, heartbreaking.
Right now, I am hanging between the two, being compelled to control what’s happening.
“Well, want control? Keep hanging!”
Here goes the wisdom of this pure moment.
What if I powerfully step back and courageously allow IT to be, what ever that is? What ever THAT is?

Be loved
I wanted to be loved. I wanted to be accepted. And valued. And loved some more.
And I went to some frightening extremes to get there. As far as I could, from this emptiness I was feeling. My way to beg somehow.
I know now I did’t have to try THAT hard. And I still don’t have to.
Still the same scary emptiness though.
What if I open my heart and see the light I am made of?

Life-threatening heaviness. Debt to be paid. Bankruptsy of some ancient hearts of mine. Unreachable freedom.
Then filled with Love, karma lost its grip. It released its deadly grip on me.
I am discovering its tremendous power.
Tangled with trust and intuition and vision, it leaves me like a newborn. Vulnerable and brand new.
A new life. Healing heart, healing soul. Dancing spirit.
What if letting go is the lesson here?

So much I’d like to say but so little is really left to be said. I have to accept that I am lost.
Lost in my expectations from life, love, work, and most of all, myself.
I have restrained so badly the passion rising in me I am now standing empty-handed, empty-hearted and empty-hoped.
I have denied myself the right to participate, to get involved, to invest, to succeed and ultimately, to be fulfilled.
What if I acknowledge my own responsability to be happy?

Off balance
I don’t recognize my life anymore. I barely recognize myself actually. What used to be my world, my safeties, all gone.
I used to know what to do, what to say, how to be.
But now that my circumstances are different, nothing applies anymore.
I feel lost and I simply don’t know where to go from here.
What if the whole meaning of this off balance situation is to help me find my center?

I knew, deep down in the core of my being, that there was some truth in my perceptions. I would have one confirmed in a book, in a conversation, or someone would help me connect the dots.
And the whole picture would get to be revealed.
Some details would remain distorted, as some would finally become the heart of what I knew all along. I had sensed this truth already.
And even if it has a different shape and sound and taste, it reminds me to learn to trust myself so much more.
What if I build my life on trust from now on?

These dialogues I have with myself and often with others are a perfect reflection of a main current of energy around me.
Refused opportunities, lousy timing, and stubborn pride.
And as I feel I let circumstances and fears and limitations take away precious gifts from me, anger and sadness take over. Violently.
And I’ll use them both to break this miserable cycle.
What if I allow acceptance and love to prevail?

Life keeps offering me spaces and times to turn things around. But I am stuck. In deep anger and overwhelming expectations.
As I expect the worst to happen, the worst simply happens. And I hang on to this habit and can’t get a hold of a better piece of me. I can’t let go.
What if I intentionally breathe peace long enough to actually feel it?

I used to have a lot of these. They all sounded like “I wish I had” or “I wish I was”. Filled with regrets, missed synchronicities, overgrown improbabilities.
Emotions that had the power to generate any dreams were pale. Too pale to inspire anything but more past tense wishes.
And now, I rediscover the power of teaming up intention with emotion. Wishful thinking is transformed and most definitely nurtured.
It is maturing and grounded. Materialized. And I feel whole as rarely before.
What if I induce my deepest wish with a massive dose of intention-emotion?

It used to rule my entire world. It used to mean taking care of every little detail in order to make me feel special. But now, I can’t define the word special the way I used to.
My world is an entire new place. So much of what used to be there isn’t anymore.
So how can I fill my life with sense of specialness when nothing works anymore?
What if perfection is about taking things, circumstances, people and situations as they are, feel how special they are?

I’m in a very emotional place right now. I can feel this huge amount of sadness simply crushing down on me.
And there is also this awful void inside, begging me to fill it up, no matter how.
Before, I used to simply listen and act on it, thinking it would create some relief.
The only thing I did, ultimately, was pilling up tears and pain I call the amount of sadness today.
What if I just let those tears cry themselves out, so they can finally reveal the lightness drowned behind?

As I was observing my relationships, I made a life-changing discovery. Litterally.
I can see I’ve been afraid to hurt, other people or myself.
I’ve been afraid to need. And I’ve even been afraid to receive.
I have definitely been afraid to be. I gave, they took. They gave, I took. Mechanical.
Safe. Protected. From hurt, maybe. From Life, most definitely.
What if I choose to love myself, inside-out?

Why? Why can’t I just let this go? Why can’t I accept that this need, so deeply rooted in my heart, my soul, in each of my cells, won’t be answered?
I tried reasoning, overused emotions, indifference, hiding, fighting, arguing, convincing, blaming.
Virtually everything I could come up with.
Now I am left with the aching in my soul, and this cold look on my face.
What if something else grows from those roots I’m trying to get rid of?

I claimed I wanted this to be. I was sincere when I said so.
Now it seems I don’t know where I am standing anymore.
I keep on dreaming about this so-called impossibility.
I can choose to make it happen…
But it seems I can’t bring myself to allow anything to happen.
In fact, I can’t distinguish this real possibility from my fear of the unknown AND of freedom.
What if I allow my actions to reflect my vision and my intention?

I’m working so hard to make this happen. I can’t figure out why I am not closer to my goal.
I am almost exactly where I first started. I have dedicated myself completely to make this happen but my dream doesn’t even have concrete roots yet. Far from it.
And as I push harder, I feel further from ever materializing something.
Out of control. Out of reach.
Frustrating. Exhausting.
What if I agree to simply ALLOW this dream of mine to happen?

Be and feel
I chose the distance. I chose the life I wanted for myself then. And now, along with the freedom I craved for, comes sadness, guilt and this unbearable feeling of powerlessness.
What is now left for me to do is simply nothing at all.
What is left to do when nothing can be done anymore is BE. Simply BE and feel. Or go insane.
What if I accept what is as an insightful and powerful ingredient of what will come to be?

I have this vision of breaking each and every limit I’ve ever had. Each and every limit I’ve ever imposed on my life. Even the ones I don’t dare to suspect. Yet.
Possibilities. Millions of them. All kept in the shadow of those life-taking “not supposed to”.
All keeping me dreaming and fantasizing. Away from action. Away from who I am without those barriers.
What if I dare to make possibilities the soul of my entire experience?

As I learn about sharing, I discover that even the best gifts aren’t always meant to be received. Because freedom can’t be given. I has to be taken.
Guilts just vanished. Self-blaming along with it.
Quiet tears. Quiet silence. Peaceful silence. The war is over.
Death isn’t final after all. Not by a long shot.
What if I allow my desires to come in a brand new
set of circumstances?

My life has changed. And It keeps on changing.
I used to be scared of those changes, but this time, there is no fear involved. At all.
The way I see myself: different. The way I breathe: different. The way I experience time and space: different.
The way I love and let myself be loved: way different.
And I am definitely the same. Differently.
What if I open my soul to ease and harmony?

I know what I want, but I’m scared to want it. I am scared to let myself need it, because it all can fall apart…
It happened before, so many times already…
Now I only pursue what I know I can attain, which is below my true dreams. Way below.
What if I don’t need to figure out everything to acknowledge what I really want?

The ground under my feet has been taken away in the blink of an eye.
No time to adjust, no space to fall onto. The unknown in its frightening purity.
And rises in my whole being a screaming need to touch this ground all over again. For real this time.
Because it was my foundation. Because it simply WAS, without me acknowledging it.
What if I accept that this unexpected opportunity is exactly what I need?

Free will
I used to be so angry at life for taking away the light from people’s eyes, from people’s heart.
I used to get so mad when I’d witness this robbery.
And now that anger is a little quieter, the wisdom of silence allows me some peace.
And I’m finding out that life has the most respectful plan.
Respect. Of my choice to live, my choice to die, or my choice to stay stuck between the two.
My free will sicknesses are the only possible shadows on my life. Like in everybody else’s.
What if I search and find
the courage to LIVE again?

Every step through this incredible adventure feels like an unexpected fantasy.
And at the very same time, the exact same time, it is real, it is here, for me to take.
And I’m grabbing it. I’m breathing every second of it, delicious pieces of completeness.
And I am not going anywhere. I’m not running away. I’m staying right here. I’m enjoying each and every bit of it.
I’m grateful to be where I am, in space, in time, and in my life.
What if I decide to look for these exquisite moments in every day?
And decide to create some more?

This infinite and intense quest gets to be so undefined sometimes. So frustrating!
And then, as I get passionate about simply being me, I sense that enlightenment is about inviting light in every dark pieces of who I am.
It is about allowing life to express itself through me.
In fact, it’s about allowing my spirit to shine, through my soul, and my soul through my heart.
What if my heart gets busy spreading this light all around?

I know I have to specify what I want. It was simple when I didn’t feel I had a choice.
Now that I do, I go from exaltation to paralyzing fear. I visit avoidance too.
And I feel that life is getting out of patience and could give me a hand to figure it out.
Scared of making the wrong move, I’m stuck between who I was and who I can be.
So I’m still not who I am.
What if I claim my power to LIVE again?

It’s time. It’s time for me to stop hiding. I’ve been hiding behind so many actions and non-actions. I have repeated them over the years, over and over again.
And all this time, I knew! I knew I’d have to stop sooner or later. I chose later too many times.
And now, I choose differently. I choose sooner.
Better yet, I choose now. Right now. I need my life to live! I want my life to be alive, I want to BE!
What if all I am hiding from is my own fulfillment?

It all began by this need to mesure up to someone else’s expectations.
It continued with the urge to be the best I could be.
It now takes me to this awful paralysis, away from my dreams.
The major force in my life used to be movement, action.
Now I’m so stuck in this perfectionism I don’t even allow myself to risk anything anymore.
What if I allow those perfect imperfections to create a movement that takes me beyond what used to be wishful thinking?

As I am getting older, I know I am traveling heavier. And as much as I get tired of carrying this overload made of memories, experiences, happinesses, regrets, the ‘should-haves’, the ‘could-haves’, they all define who I was, and who I am, still.
And I am scared. I am tired but even more scared. I’m having a hard time letting just a little go, a little down, as if my entire life depends on it all.
Well, the life I’ve know so far for sure.
What if I choose to feel AND experience lightness?

Because the truth isn’t enough by itself. Because I can’t stand exposing myself to the judgment of others, about daring the truth. So I lie.
False facts, exaggerated details, or that sweet , sweet omission.
And this confort zone vanishes and gets to be a viscious cell where I hide from who I really am, who I know I can be, who I want to be.
And as I hide prisoner of my own self, I realise that what I am most afraid of is not being enough as I am.
What if I dare to reveal the essence of who I am?

I won’t give up.
The way I see the world and the people in it has shifted. Radically.
And it has the fullest taste I’ve experienced so far. Vibrant and passionate. This is who I am now. Now I know.
And I won’t give it up. Ever. Not before I get a hold of something better, if possible. Anything paler would be a suicidal attempt.
And I choose Life and Love.
All over.
What if transmutation is only at its beginning?

I’ve been denied opportunities to explore the adventurous side of myself. I have integrated this repressed side along the way.
I now deny myself the same rich and freeing experiences.
I need to break this cycle and get rid of it.
Because I wanted to from the beginning, and also because my real and true possibilities are yet to be explored.
I’ve known this for a long long time.
Here comes the time to act on it. Now.
What if I grab this moment and infuse some adventurous spirit to it?

Letting go
Resistance. Limitations. Obligations. All familiar.
And I’ve learned. I know I have the power to embrase Life for what it is: a gift, an opportunity to heal, love and be fulfilled.
Life is a gift to experience peace, harmony and fun.
Once and for all, no more fighting.
What if I trust that the possibilities are powerfully ENDLESS?

This one is breathtaking. It came out of nowhere. No premeditation what so ever. So I thought.
Now I can see it came out of complete faith and trust.
Right through fears and pains.
Much less fearful and much less painful that expected.
Well, this proposition is definitely breathtaking.
What if I learn how to breathe deeper and learn the power of gratefulness?

When it was time for me to get real about leading my own life, I took it very seriously. I became responsable. Taking my role seriously. And myself by all means.
Enjoying? Having fun? No time for that. I had to solve problems and deal with issues.
And life respected my wish. I was taken so seriously that all I was doing was wrestling for and with myself. And while I was at it, I did the same with everyone around.
Responsable I was.
I now clearly see all I’ve lived with. And without.
What if I set a brand new pattern for what I want my life to be like and trust that Life will manifest it for me? Like it always does?

I missed this feeling for such a long time! I feel excitement running in my veins and this is so soothing…
Passion is waking up and all the fibers of my soul are celebrating.
Life is back in my heart, in all its powerful shades.
And this unique sensation of being alive reminds me of the power I have to be who I want to be. To be who I am.
What if I decide to fill my life with fulfillment?

My trial flight involved a ride around and into faith. I waltzed back and forth with these fears I have, the one to succeed and the one to fail, all at once.
Exhausting. Very exhausting.
The good thing though about this is that I could feel the air on my own growing wings.
I was not always confortable, nor always present to what was going on, but I could definitely fly.
This is my goal. Fly, fly, and fly some more. And soon, I’ll trust this air enough to breathe again.
What if I give those new wings a chance to take me to the best version of myself?

For so long, I seached for recognition in other people’s eyes in order to acknowledge who I was. I desperately searched for that vision.
And I failed. Miserably. The anger and the pain I feel are still raw, still deep. Unhealed. Yet.
Because I still believe I have no face if I don’t see any validation in the mirror of other people’s eyes.
Because I still believe I have no identity or value without their recognition.
What if I take a look in the mirror of my own heart to remember who I am?

I wonder… Do I still care for the truth?
You know, the truth, the one that reminds me of who I am, like it or not?
The one that sheds some light on those shadows I carry around all the time, or from time to time?
The same one that is so uncomfortable I just can’t let it be? I wonder…
I feel I wouldn’t dare to recognize it even if it was standing right in front of me. Even if it was living right inside of me.
What if I let the truth inspire healing in my life instead of resisting it?

Of all the choices I’ve been given to make since I am here, I have made some, postponed some others, and walked my way. And they led me to live the life I am living now.
I can see there are cycles repeating themselves. And as much as I hate to admit it, it seems I still don’t get the whole picture. Yet.
There’s been defining moments, just like the one I’m living right now.
I’ve been wishing for different results over time, here comes the time to choose differently.
What if I fully and consciously embrace the fact that my life is being shaped by my daily choices?

I need to accept what is. I need to deal with it. I need to feel what is rushing inside of me.
I need to breathe through it until I can let it be. Until I can let it go. Until it fills my heart and soul and is ready to be freed.
And even if this movement is quite simple in its essence, it is hard for me to allow it to take place in time.
Because I know that when I finally do so, my life won’t ever be the same. Ever. And it scares me.
What if I accept to feel how good it is to really be alive instead of being stuck in resistance?

Today is a new and special day. This is the day I decide to stop being the person I’m not afraid to be. I choose to be who I really am.
I got too comfortable in conformity, in normality. I forgot all about the richness of being different.
I even forgot how to smile.
It’s now time to dare, it now time to BE this higher version of me.
And I can already feel the difference.
What if I‘ve been afraid all along for nothing at all?

I won’t do this anymore. I won’t deny myself the right to be proud of who I am.
I’m stopping those habits that used to be confortable, that used to keep me down, that used to be called mine.
I claim my power to do what needs to be done in order to feel home in my own body, in order to feel home in my heart.
What if I reinvest all my energy in making my dreams happen?

I want to let Life hold me. Until there is no fear left in my body, until there is no fear left in my soul. Until.
Until each and every cell of my body remembers what light is all about. Until I don’t forget anymore.
So here and now comes the time to let Life get a hold of me. To hold me.
What if the purpose of Life is to remind me of what I am made of?

I feel something very strong inside. Something very refreshing actually.
The fascinating thing about this wonderful feeling is that it happened as I chose to allow myself to simply BE.
No expectation, no have-to, no I-should. Only what I was seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and what I could almost taste.
And here I am, wearing and feeling this beauty I had lost along the way.
What if I stand in this special and powerful place in time and welcome the light it is made of?
And along with it, the one I am made of too?

I am definitely running from something. Actually, I’ve been running for quite a while now.
I keep revisiting hold memories, replaying those golden moments over and over again in my mind, such overwhelming out of reach times…
I realize I’d do anything to avoid getting anywhere close to the emptiness living in my heart.
What if I come back here, now, and accept the feelings that comes with it, just out of curiosity?

It doesn’t have to be the way it used to. In fact, it can’t.
I don’t have to fight my way through life anymore. No more.
It is now time for me to learn to enjoy ease and joyfulness.
And I don’t have to fight other people’s battle either.
Now comes the time for me to breathe, enjoy, breathe again, and enjoy some more.
As simple as fulfilling as it has the power to be.
What if I get determined to be happy?

This morning, I woke up different. I’m not the same anymore. And will never be.
I choose to honor Love as it is being offered to me. I accept to treasure it for the priceless uniqueness it is. Even if it comes in one of its countless unusual forms.
I allow myself to feel it as part of who I am – better – because of it.
I’m ready to give love a chance. No past, no future. Just here and now, for as long as I breathe. And beyond, inevitably.
What if I accept there are opportunities crossing my path constantly?
What if I learn to grab a few?
And then each and every one of them?

I wonder what I am most afraid of: being unhappy OR being happy.
Even if I don’t enjoy the first option, I must admit it kind of got comfortable over time. At least known.
Being happy involves a different mindset and most of all, a different heartset.
I need to choose between hanging tight to my fears AND using a key I already have to free myself out.
What if on this unknown ground I remember my own purpose in life?

All I’ve been doing lately is thinking about what could happen months from now.
I need to put a stop to this because I know this future simply doesn’t belong to me and will never do.
I have already wasted so many precious nows…
They all ended up being pasts and lost. And I know every future could end up the same.
What if I choose to really influence this unreachable future by coming back to Right Now?

It sucks life out of me, breath by breath. It takes love away from any bond I have. Too much of this, too little of that, never in peace. Ever.
And this shadow takes over every time I question my deepest identity and my self-worth.
Actually, every time I feel guilt, I get scared of loving completely. Or at all. No discernment allowed.
What if I learn to life in the truth of how liberating acceptance is?

I failed defining what honesty actually means. I measured it by how much I was willing to say, how many details I would be revealing.
So I often chose complete silence to spare this clone of honesty.
I was dishonest with myself though.
I neglected to consider that the deepest honesty of all is when my actions are aligned with my deepest feelings.
What if becoming aware of how I feel is my strongest strength?

Afraid of control and power and responsabilities and influence, I trade who I am for the fear of it all.
I disappear behind my own shadow so afraid of Light, any light what so ever, wondering what I’m doing in this dark place.
And while doing so, I convince myself that I am humble.
So I cheat my heart, I cheat my soul, I cheat my talents and gifts and ambitions and visions. I cheat myself.
What if I did yesterday this one thing I meant to do for so long?
What if I finally do it today?

I can feel it, this strong, powerful energy keeping me from moving, from enjoying my life, or even moments. Also from breathing. Each and every day.
I feel it taking opportunities away from my dreams. From the life I want to live. From my own self.
I blamed this on many various circumstances. Many people too.
And all this time, I was wrong. I was so wrong.
The only things keeping me from being who I am are my own fears, my own regrets, and my own vicious stagnancy.
What if I choose to get involved in my own life?

Overwhelmed by this heaviness, I thought there was no way out or around this situation.
Even if it was out of my reach to heal, my hope stayed resilient. Against all odds. Still.
And through amazement and fascination, I know that this is magic at work.
At last. Inside out.
What if I allow magic to manifest its power in my life now?

I am stubborn. I know I am. My way, my truth, my choices. So possessive of this unhappiness…
The sad thing here is that I don’t ever reach the shore. I can’t stop gasping for air.
I say I want to go back to breathing again, but I don’t mean it. I fake it.
Afraid to fail, afraid to let go, afraid to live.
Afraid to be. Even if I AM anyway.
What if I set my stubbornness on being the best ME?

This experience is like no other I’ve had so far. It is about love, about freedom, and about my underused power to create harmony.
Beyond what people say, beyond what I used to expect from myself, beyond all I used to think was out of reach.
Used. This is what I choose to leave behind.
I now want to orchestrate harmony. I want to breathe harmony. So that beauties are finally honored.
What if I design in myself one of those so needed world peaces?

I don’t want to rub anyone of her/his freedom to choose in order to get and have my own.
I just want to open my heart and soul wide enough to let freedom in.
Then it’ll be mine. Mine and mine alone.
And expressing myself is the way I create my own freedom now.
No barrier between what I feel and what I say. None.
So be it.
What if I honor
my own power to choose what I really prefer?

It’s time for me to search and discover my truth instead of believing what everybody else believes.
My truth is different from the truths that everybody has taught me since forever.
It’s time for me to release them for the well-intentioned or not so well-intentioned gifts they were. Let be what was and move on.
Move on to who I am and have always been. This ME I forgot or sadly didn’t want to remember. Or just wasn’t ready to meet.
What if I reconnect with the most precious figure in my life: me?

I have expected it in a specific shape. Even at a specific moment. I had a clear idea of what would fulfill me. So clear it never happened.
And as I am now opening my life to a completely new experience, I can see that it comes in all forms and tastes and feelings.
And the wisest wisdom of all comes with the fact that fulfillment never occurs in past tense. Always standing strong in the here and now. Ready to be grabbed. By me, or anybody else.
What if I choose with intention to be fullfilled RIGHT NOW?

Living after death. Living in spite of death.
Live. Not survive, not exist, but live. Like never before.
I want to give Light a road to shine. I want to give love a way. I want to give Love a way to grow and glow. A way to be.
So I allow Love into my life, no matter where it comes from, and I commit myself to be whole wherever I am.
Until I remember, and know above all, this is the way it was all along.
What if I reveal who I am, past, future AND present?

So far, the kind of freedom I have experienced involved guilt or blame at some level.
I didn’t even suspect that it had nothing to do with freedom. At all.
Now that I feel it differently, guilt and blame-free, I can definitely embrace the absolute difference.
Definitely more scary, definitely unknown.
But instead of keeping me hostage in privacy, I feel the urge to scream out loud: “I want freedom!”
Better yet: “I am free!”
And on this path, I am giving birth. To myself.